Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Infinite Infinity

Who is God?

Often, we have all the right answers.

At least, we think we do.

But the truth, the key to knowing God, is in fact knowing we cannot know God.


He is beyond knowing.

He stretches out infinitely in an infinite number of directions.

Imagine. A road stretched out in front of you, on which you can travel for years and still be no further along then when you began.

Now multiply that by infinite number of roads, in an infinite number of directions.

That is God.

And we, regardless of what we may tell ourselves, are finite.

God created us that way on purpose.

Yet, with Jesus' sacrifice, we are infinite in one direction- time.

If we make the choice to accept Jesus' sacrifice, we will forever have the pleasure of exploring and discovering the depths of who God is.

It is through this lens we should view His other attributes:

His holiness. Righteousness. Love. Grace. Humility.

Isn't He beautiful?


  1. Loved the reminder this morning that we cannot put God in a box. I am visiting from Soli Deo Gloria today.
    Happy Tuesday,

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed it! And happy Tuesday to you as well!

  2. Hmmm, 'Infinite Infinity' immediately made me think of Buzz Lightyear's quote, "To Infinity, and Beyond!" That is God - He is beyond our limited knowledge and wisdom! I love reading Isaiah 40:28 - "Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth.
    He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom."
    In His Love,
    Ann @ Christ in the Clouds (http://christintheclouds.blogspot.com/)

    1. I love the Buzz Lightyear reference! And thanks so much for sharing that scripture! :)
