About Me

What to say about me? Well, top on the list, I love God with all my heart, soul, and mind. Sometimes (more frequently than I'd like to admit) I get my priorities mixed up, but ultimately God is the sole reason I am living today. He is the rock that I cling to in hard times (and trust me, there have been hard times aplenty), and without Him I would have given up hope long ago. But more about that in the My Beliefs section.

I am a recent college graduate, and have been married over a year and a half now to my wonderful, patient, and dedicated spouse, Nate. Though our first year and a half has not been easy, I am more in love with him than ever and am ready to conquer the rest of the hard times we will encounter.

I am currently working as a preschool teacher in the two-year old classroom, so while we are not parents yet, I can certainly relate to you moms out there! I love my job, though I could do away with the changing 30-40 diapers a day part! I love watching my kids learn and grow, though I am sad when they move up into another classroom.

A little over a year ago, I became gluten and dairy free. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and both of these foods can be triggers for my disease. I love finding and making new recipes, and seeing the "wow" look in people's faces who have discovered that what they just tasted is gluten free. I'm still learning about baking gluten free goodies, so any advice is certainly welcome!

All my life, I have loved arts and crafts. As a little girl, I spent hours making those little beaded geckos and other animals and flowers. I also loved to sew, and made little purses and outfits for my barbies (granted, they were definitely not the prettiest things you've ever seen!). Today, I continue to love arts and crafts. I love making intricate beaded jewelry with seed beads. I also love creating my own sewing patterns and making them.

Well, that about sums me up! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

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