Saturday, August 24, 2013

Date Night: Photo Scavenger Hunt

Love nature and hiking? This date is for you! Find a park nearby with a trail, and photograph anything you see that looks photogenic! It may be different kinds of trees, wildflowers, plants with interesting leaves, animal tracks, or mushrooms!

The hubby and I did this last weekend while on a camping trip. It wasn't planned, but when I started seeing different wildlife that I wanted to know the names of, I decided to consider it a scavenger hunt.

At first my hubby found it annoying- he would turn around to look at me only to find that I had stopped to take a picture, AGAIN.

Here's one such instance (above). Eventually, though, he started pointing out things for me to photograph. 

At one point in our journey, hubby stopped rather suddenly, freaked out about something. I at first thought he had seen a bear (and was so excited about my scavenger hunt, that I was thrilled and wanted to take a picture of it). When I saw this in front of us, I was slightly disappointed.

But not disappointed enough to not creep up closer and take another picture. I wanted to get closer, but hubby wouldn't let me.

This was my favorite discovery: 
I found out later that this is a type of coral mushroom. I just thought it looked so cool! 

When you and your special someone have had your adventure together, I'd love to hear about it! Enjoy!


  1. what kind of snake was that?

  2. I think it's a rattlesnake of some kind, but we never heard it rattle, so I'm not totally sure.
