Thursday, August 29, 2013

Unsolved Mysteries Solved

Ever watch those shows where they solve murder cases and the like? I like the ones that are like a big long movie, like 24 and Fringe. I like how the pieces begin to come together so that I can see the bigger picture, what the puzzle was intended to look like.

The universe around us is filled with all different kinds of mysteries. There's mysteries about people, about nature, about buildings. How did the dinosaurs come to be extinct? Did the snake have legs in Eden? What has been happening in the spiritual realm around us all our lives? Was a war fought? Were multiple wars fought? How often did angels save our lives, while we were completely unaware? Beyond our planet, our solar system, how many other planets are there? What does it look like at the center of our solar system? Are there other planets where we could live?

Many, if not all, of these mysteries, we will never be able to solve during our lifetime. But that's just it. We're not just here for this lifetime. We are here (or on the new earth) for an eternity! There are some mysteries I think we'll never fully understand- or else we'd be God. But many, I think, we'll be able to seek out and discover the truth. For in eternity, we'll have unlimited health, time, and resources, not to mention we will no longer have Satan fighting against us, trying to turn us against our Father. It'll take hundreds, thousands of light years to get to another planet like ours? So what! We'll have that time! It's dangerous? Not anymore! Not in eternity! It's too expensive? I'm sure God would foot the bill.

As a child, I really wanted to become an astronaut. I loved the movie, Apollo 13, and probably watched it at least once a week during that season of my childhood. I wanted to go to one of those space camps you saw advertised on TV, but it was way too expensive. As I grew older, and more health problems developed, I knew it would never be a reality. It was too expensive to get the education necessary, and I would never get health clearance anyways.

There have been many things, like becoming an astronaut, that I've decided I would never be able to do, for various reasons: my body won't let me, it's too expensive, I'm not smart enough. But Romans 12:2 says this: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will." I never really, truly, understood what that verse meant until now. I thought I did, but didn't really. Our thoughts follow patterns, determined by these decisions of what we can and can't do. When we restrict our thinking to the thinking of the world, we become like everyone else. But when we see reality as God sees it, it frees us, allowing us to believe in the impossible, to plan to do the impossible.

What have you decided you will never be able to do? What dreams did you have during childhood that you haven't thought of since? Let God free you by the realization that you WILL be able to do those things someday.

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